commandbox-jasper: the third part

The continued development on commandbox-jasper cfml commandbox

July 10, 2022 / Robert Zehnder

Photo by Ales Nesetril on Unsplash

A few cool new things have been added thanks to Eric Peterson.

It is easy to create a jasper site through the command line. Inside an empty directory, jasper init will create a scaffold of jasper-cli. Tip of the hat to Eric.

jasper init

The jasper watch command rebuilds the static files when it detects a template change.

jasper watch

Eric shared a server.json and .htaccess file that allows box server start to function like a lightweight http server. Usually, I would use netlify dev or other node module to serve the static content, now I can use commandbox with the same rewrite rules I would expect in production. Very cool.

box server start

Code Optimizations

I have been working to clean up the build process and start to normalize the data that is available on the page, all of that is handled by the jasper build command. I now inlcude rootDir, directory, and file so they are available in the writeTemplate logic. I also added the headers array to the prc scope that is reponsible for adding opengraph and twitter metadata to the generated content.

component extends="commandbox.system.BaseCommand" {

 property name="JasperService" inject="JasperService@commandbox-jasper";

 function run() {
  // clear the template cache
  var rootDir = resolvePath( "." );
  rootDir     = left( rootDir, len( rootDir ) - 1 ); // remove trailing slash to match directoryList query

  command( "jasper cache build" ).run();

  if ( directoryExists( rootDir & "/_site" ) ) directoryDelete( rootDir & "/_site", true );

   rootDir & "/assets",
   rootDir & "/_site/assets",

  var conf  = deserializeJSON( fileRead( rootDir & "/_data/jasperconfig.json", "utf-8" ) );
  var posts = deserializeJSON( fileRead( rootDir & "/_data/post-cache.json", "utf-8" ) );
  var tags  = JasperService.getTags( posts );

  print.yellowLine( "Building source directory: " & rootDir );

  var templateList = JasperService.list( rootDir );

  templateList.each( ( template ) => {
   var prc = {
    "rootDir"   : rootDir,
    "directory" :,
    "file"      :,
    "headers"   : [],
    "meta"      : {},
    "content"   : "",
    "tagCloud"  : tags,
    "type"      : "page",
    "layout"    : "main",
    "posts"     : posts
   prc.append( conf );
   // Try reading the front matter from the template
   prc.append( JasperService.getPostData( fname = & "/" & ) );
   // write the rendered HTML to disk

   var shortName = JasperService.writeTemplate( prc = prc );
   print.greenLine( "Generating " & shortName );
  } );


The writeTemplate method has been optimized, but it still needs to be modified to support views with no layout, but that will come later.

  * Handles writing a template to disk
 function writeTemplate( required struct prc ) {
  var renderedHtml = "";
  var computedPath = prc.rootDir, "" );
   prc.rootDir & "/_site/" & computedPath,
  // render the view based on prc.type
  if ( prc.file.findNoCase( ".cfm" ) ) {
   savecontent variable="renderedHtml" {
    include & "/" & prc.file;
  } else {
   savecontent variable="renderedHtml" {
    include prc.rootDir & "/_includes/" & prc.type & ".cfm";
  savecontent variable="renderedHtml" {
   include prc.rootDir & "/_includes/layouts/" & prc.layout & ".cfm";
  var fname     = "";
  var shortName = "";
  switch ( lCase( prc.type ) ) {
   case "post":
    shortName = computedPath & "/" & prc.slug & ".html";
    shortName = computedPath & "/" & listFirst( prc.file, "." ) & ".html";
  fname = prc.rootDir & "/_site/" & shortName;
  fileWrite( fname, renderedHtml );
  return shortName;

There is not a lot else to report, just trying to squash bugs.